Most of our language dictionaries are shelved in the reference section, but you can check GRACE for a circulating copy. We also have books on grammar, syntax, and the history of the language for some texts- most of these are shelved downstairs in our circulating collection. Be aware that specialized dictionaries may not be classified with other materials on a particular language, such as dictionaries of Buddhist terms.
You can also do a subject search for English language -- dictionaries -- {insert language} to find more languages than we have listed here... we are always purchasing more, so check our catalog for new ones or suggest a purchase.
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Akkadian: PJ 3523-3547 | Georgian: PK 9125 | Phoenician: PJ 4185 |
Amharic: PJ 9237 | German: PF 3620-3693 | Polish: PG 6625-6693 |
Anglo-Saxon: PE 275-285 | Greek: PA 445-1145 | Portuguese: PC 5325-5348 |
Arabic: PJ 6620-6680 | Hawaiian: PL 6446-6447 | Punjabi: PK1936 |
Aramaic: PJ 5205 | Hebrew (Mishnaic): PJ 4935-4937 | Russian: PG 2625-2693 |
Armenian: PK 8439-8445 | Hebrew: PJ 4825-4847 | Sanskrit: PK 925-969 |
Avestan: PK 6106 | Hindi: PK 1936 | Serbo-Croatian: PG 1376 |
Bengali: PK1687/PE1628 | Hungarian: PH 2625-2693 | Spanish: PC 4620-4693 |
Bulgarian: PG 979 | Indonesian: PL 5076-5077 | Sumerian: PJ 4037 |
Chinese: PL 1420-1495 | Italian: PC 1620-1693 | Swedish: PD 5625-5693 |
Coptic: PJ 2181 | Japanese: PL 674-686 | Syriac: PJ 5489-5494 |
Czech: PG 4640 | Javanese: PL 5176-5177 | Tagalog: PL 6056 |
Danish: PD 3625-3693 | Korean: PL 937 | Tamil: PL 4756 |
Dutch: PF 620-693 | Kpelle: PL 8411 | Telugu: PL 4776 |
Egyptian: PJ 1423-1439 | Latin: PA 2361-2389 | Thai: PL 4185-4194 |
English: PE 1620-1693 | Marathi: PK 2375 | Tibetan: PL 3637 |
Esperanto: PM 8235 | Norwegian: PO 2688-2695 | Turkish: PL 189-195 |
Farsi: PK 6379 | Pahlavi: PK 6177 | Welsh: PB 1289-1295 |
Finnish: PH 279 | Pali: PK 1089-1095 | Urdu: PK 1976 |
French: PC 2620-2693 | Persian: PK 6374-6386 | Yiddish: PJ 5117 |