Semantic Dictionary of New Testament Greek | the Greek New TestamentThis resource gathers the various words of the Greek New Testament under a whole slew of “semantic domains” (concepts such as food, fasting, and dwelling). There are a variety of tools to help you understand New Testament Greek. The Text page gives access to the source text, combined with a Scripture text in the selected language. If you click on a word, the column to the right of the text will show its morphological analysis, and --if the entry is available-- its meaning according to the dictionary.
At the top of the Dictionary page you find all characters of the source language alphabet. Click on one of these characters and all available entries starting with that character will be displayed in the list column. The Search page allows you to search the dictionary on the basis of a number of criteria. If you have a Hebrew/Greek keyboard you can type in the search string right away. No vowel signs are needed and the program will display all entries that match the search criteria in the list column. If you hover over a field in the dictionary with your mouse, some background information and helpful tips appear.