Research in Ministry® (RIM®) is a thesis and dissertation abstract database where users can search for and share the outcomes of research conducted in programs of study related to ministry, theology and religion.
This is part of a Pew Research Center series of reports exploring the behaviors, values and opinions of the teens and twenty-somethings that make up the Millennial generation.
Basics of Christian education by Karen B. Tye"In this concise and easy-to-use guide, Karen Tye offers practical help, addressing the vital areas that need attention when planning for and building a Christian education program. Questions and exercises at the end of each chapter help pastors, Christian educators, seminary students, and laity apply the information to their own unique setting, building on the basics to renew and transform Christian education."
Encyclopedia of religious and spiritual development by Elizabeth M. Dowling, W. George Scarlett.Spiritual development is an important part of human development that has links to identity development, moral development, and civic engagement. This innovative Encyclopedia offers insight into the characteristics of people and their contexts that interact to influence religious and spiritual development over time.