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Art & Religion

Art Databases (beyond the GTU)

The GTU library does not have a subscription to ARTstor or other art databases, since we do not have a program in Art, but all GTU students have access to Art databases via UC-Berkeley, and JST-SCU students additionally can access it via Santa Clara University libraries. 

There are three ways to get access:

1. All GTU students can visit the UCB libraries and get full access to thousands of databases through one of UCB's walk up computers available all over campus. The second floor of Doe is a great place with a lot of public machines, or head up to the Art History library in 308 Doe. It is recommended you bring a flash drive, as you'll be able to download and save images, articles, and e-books. 

2. GTU students who are cross-registered with UCB (taking a class over there) will be provided with a CAL ID card. You can use the number on the card to access all UCB databases remotely. 

3. JST-SCU students can use the Santa Clara Libraries to access ARTstor, the full version of JSTOR, and hundreds of other databases beyond Theology/Religion subjects. Use your SCU login for access. 

ARTstor quick links


The ARTstor Digital Library is an image database featuring an unparalleled range of images from some of the world's leading museums, photo archives, scholars, and artists in one easily-navigated repository. It is the most comprehensive image resource available for educational and scholarly use, with many rare and important collections available nowhere else. 

You can find items by classification or location, create your own collections or view collections that others have curated.