To set up or renew your UCB library card
GTU students and faculty can request to set up a new library account or renew an existing one remotely. Email the privileges desk - - with the following information:
If you are renewing an existing account, please include your current library card number.
Please note: this service is not available to community patrons, alumni, ATLA reciprocal borrowers, or other categories of cardholders, but borrowing cards can be purchased from UCB directly using the same email. More information about borrowing cards is available on UC Berkeley's library website.
Please start your application by email and then pick-up your library card by presenting photo ID at the Privileges Desk during that desk's open hours.
Your borrowing privileges only extend to UC Berkeley Libraries' items, but the UC Libraries' search system includes ALL the UC libraries across the state. You'll want to use the Advanced Search:
Below you'll see the option you'll want to select in the advanced search so that you only see what is available to you.
You will also want to limit, using the options on the left side of the list of search results, to items held in the library. Your borrowing privileges only cover print resources.
For a more in-depth tutorial on the UC Search system, see the UC Berkeley Libguide on it.
The University of California has a storage facility in Richmond, CA for library materials: The Northern Library Regional Facility (NLRF).
Before you visit, be sure to apply for privileges at the Doe Library in Berkeley.
Open hours are limited, so be sure to check the NLRF Reading Room hours before you visit.
You can also use your UCB library card to request NLRF items be delivered to any UCB library branch.